Health and Safety
The Occupational Health and Safety Act (1993) requires employers to provide employees with a
working environment that is safe, and free of known dangers. DC Partner is committed to
ensuring that Occupational Health and Safety is a primary objective, and we aspire to
continually improve Health & Safety in the workplace. The responsibility for Health and Safety
at DC Partner applies across a wide area. In line with the OHS Act, there is delegation of
responsibility and active involvement through the various lines of management, from the CEO to
the Senior Management, Heads of departments and team leaders. Safety, health, and protection
of the environment form an integral part of our planning and decision making. We manage our
company, wherever we do business, in an ethical way that strikes an appropriate and
well-reasoned balance between economic, social, and environmental needs.
- Consults with and relies on our workers to take care of their safety and that of their
colleagues and to contribute effectively towards the company's aim to provide a safe and
healthy environment.
- Strive for the highest standards of Occupational health and safety to safeguard the
well-being of those working on, visiting, and living near our operations.
To achieve this DC Partner:
- Entrenches a culture of continual SHE improvement.
- Will strive to comply with relevant legislation, standards, and other requirements.
- Develop a company risk profile that will ensure business facilities and processes are
safe and without risk to health or the environment by developing and implementing
appropriate SHE standards.
- Training our people in the identification of risk and safe working practices.
- Set improvement objectives and targets.
- Reporting and investigating accidents and incidents and near misses.
- Provide adequate supervision, training, and equipment to support a safe and healthy work
- Provide a system to communicate information regarding Health, Safety and Environmental
matters to all employees.